Žena 1889 - 1973  (84 let)

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  1. 1.  Jarmila (i) MATOUŠOVÁ-BAYEROVÁJarmila (i) MATOUŠOVÁ-BAYEROVÁ se narodil(a) 4 Leden 1889, Nové Dvory u Kutné Hory, Czech Rep.; byl(a) pokřtěn(a) 13 Leden 1889, Nové Dvory u Kutné Hory, Czech Rep.; zemřel(a) 11 Září 1973, Praha, Czech Rep.; byl(a) pohřben(a) Kolín, Czech Rep..

    Jiné události:

    • Death / Úmrtí: 11 Září 1973, (Praha-Bohnice, sanatorium)
    • Přestěhování / Moved: 1961, Poděbrady, Czech Rep.; Left Konárovice moving to Poděbrady.
    • Studia: Praha, Czech Rep.; Studied Vyšší dívčí in Praha


    «b»Jarmila MATOUŠOVÁ-Bayerová«/b» ztratila otce (Karel-1-Veliký MATOUŠ) když jí bylo 9 let. Žila se svou matkou Marii PAVLÍČKOVOU-Matoušovou, druhou ženou Karla (i) a sestrou Zdenkou, nakonec v Praze. Jejím poručníkem se stal strýc JUDr Jiří Matouš, který ji také vedl k oltáři v zastoupení otce při vdavkách za JUDr Viléma Bayera z Kolína. Vilém byl vládní rada v Poděbradech, později byl jmenován krajským hejtmanem v Kolíně (do r.1937) kde bydleli ve služebním hejtmanském bytě na náměstí. Vilémovo jmenování do Liberce potom mělo jen krátké trvání (do r. 1939) když se kvůli vpádu Němců museli vystěhovat a Vilém odešel předčasně do pense a usadili se ve vile v Konárovicích u Kolína.
    Jarmila i Vilém Bayerovi jsou pochováni v rodinné hrobce na hřbitově v Kolíně-Zálabí.
    Narrated in 2014 by Bohumil (iii) VOLESKÝ (vnuk):«/u»«/b»«/i»
    My grand-ma Jarmila BAYEROVÁ I remember as a plump old lady, in charge of Konárovice household. She was probably quite bossy and I think that she could not understand simple people around her and they probably did not like her much. The combination of her inability to manage, aggravated by the communist-driven tumult after the war, lead to the decline of the Konárovice-vila life-style when we, the Voleskýs, left returning to living in Praha.
    Grand-pa Vilém had a massive stroke and died (1951) next to her (in the Konarovice post-office ?) with wife Jarmila next to him. Grand-ma Jarmila's (I) life was gradually shrinking as the vila infrastructure (water, electricity, etc.) were deteriorating. She was unable to have anything fixed and was giving away family possessions in exchange for any domestic help and services. At the same time, it was quite difficult to deal with her in attempts to unload the vila, my father gave up on trying to arrange something. The vila started to fall apart. Driving a motorcycle, I visited with grand-ma only a few times in Konárovice.
    Eventually, the vila was sold for a pittance (to 2 families of Kolda) and grand-ma Jarmila (I) moved to a purchased small half of a house in Pod?brady (right opposite to the Castle, behind a square-facing restaurant). Unfortunately, there was a perpetual fight with a hard-headed expansive owner of the other house half, one Mr Rákosník. I stoped over to visit her in Pod?brady several times. Grand-ma Jarmila (I), who always complained and worried about her health, lived to a ripe old age to die at 84 years of age in 1973, when I was already living in Canada.

    (Medical):Died in Podebrady (?) of "old age" at 84 years old. She was always complaining of some health problems - excessively. She wore thick glasses. She was rather fat and slow moving - but lasted relatively long.

    Matrika Nové Dvory u Kutné Hory svazek «u»XYZ«/u» on-line, pg. 71:
    http://ebadatelna.soapraha.cz/ - - - -

    OTEC: «b»Karel MATOUŠ«/b», katolík, nájemce hrab. Chotek dvora v Nových Dvorech č.1, statkář v Katusicích čís.8, manž. syn Štěpána MATOUŠE stakáře v Katusicích č.8 a jeho manželky Katřiny rodem Strojsová ze Sudoměře čís.25 okres Bělský.
    MATKA: «b»Marie«/b», katolička, manž. dcera Jana «b»PAVLÍČEK«/b»-a statkáře ve Velkých Zamachách č.2 a jeho manželky Marie rodem ČABANOVY ze Živonína čís. 32, okres Mělnický.
    Kmotra: Marie VRANÁ, manželka Františka VRANÝHO nájemce dvora v Třebešicích č.1
    Svědek: ŠNÝDR, statkář v Krásnovsi č.24.

    Vyšší dívčí neměla maturitu - nebyla gymnasium (neměla latinu).

    Přestěhování / Moved:
    Recollections of Grandson Bohumil (iii) Voleský (in 2014):
    Grandma Jarmila was an overbearing, strict and stout lady. She was having a problem with the villa in Konárovice that was "too big" for her by the communist standards.
    Incapable to defend herself well, she also could not take care of the large property. Eventually, she was squeezed out of the villa by local (political) pressures, sold the property for pittance (to 2 families by the name of Kolda) and moved to a small co-owned house in Podebrady, right off the main square (opposite to the castle there, behind a main-square restaurant). The co-owner Mr. Rákosník made her life quite miserable by expanding without regards.
    The embittered Jarmila, who gave all possessions away for living and services, eventually passed away.
    Since I (BV-iii) was already away in Canada without a possibility of visiting back in Praha, I don't know much of the details surrounding Grandma Jarmila's (babka) final years.

    Death / Úmrtí:
    Only shortly before dying, Jarmila was relocated from Poděbrady to Praha Bohnice.

    Jarmila byl(a) sezdán(a) s JUDr. Vilém BAYER, - vládní rada 25 Červen 1908, Praha, Czech Rep. - u sv. Františka. Vilém (syn od Eliška STARÁ-BAYEROVÁ-KRSKOVÁ) se narodil(a) 1 Leden 1879, Kolín, Czech Rep.; byl(a) pokřtěn(a) Kolín, brewery; zemřel(a) 9 Březen 1951, Kolín, Czech Rep.; byl(a) pohřben(a) Kolín, Czech Rep.. [Schéma rodiny]