Bohumila (Milka) ZÁTKOVÁ-KUBERTOVÁ, - překladatelka angl. literatury
1883 - 1971 (87 let)-
Jméno Bohumila (Milka) ZÁTKOVÁ-KUBERTOVÁ, - překladatelka angl. literatury Přípona - překladatelka angl. literatury Narození 13 Prosinec 1883 České Budějovice, Czech Rep. Pohlaví Žena Úmrtí 27 Květen 1971 Praha, Czech Rep. Pohřeb Praha-Vyšehrad, Czech Rep. ID číslo osoby I892 family Poslední změna 20 Září 2016
Otec JUDr. August ZÁTKA, - advokát, politik, nar. 17 Červenec 1847, České Budějovice, Czech Rep. , zemř. 31 Leden 1935, České Budějovice, Czech Rep. (Věk 87 let) Matka Jana KLAVÍKOVÁ-ZÁTKOVÁ, nar. 30 Duben 1859, České Budějovice, Czech Rep. , zemř. 20 Září 1933, Libníč, Czech Rep. (Věk 74 let) Sňatek 27 Červenec 1878 České Budějovice, Czech Rep. ID číslo rodiny F320 Schéma rodiny
Rodina Julius KUBERT, - pražský setník, nar. 4 Červen 1864, zemř. 6 Prosinec 1907, Praha, Czech Rep. (Věk 43 let) Sňatek 26 Červenec 1902 Praha, Czech Rep. Děti 1. MUDr. Eva KUBERTOVÁ-ŠPIČKOVÁ, - plastická chirurgie, nar. 8 Prosinec 1903, Praha, Czech Rep. , zemř. 16 Duben 1979, Praha. Czech Rep. (Věk 75 let) 2. JUDr. Ing. Julius (ii) KUBERT, nar. 18 Říjen 1907, Praha, Czech Rep. , zemř. 4 Duben 1981, Praha, Czech Rep. (Věk 73 let) Poslední změna 14 Únor 2015 ID číslo rodiny F334 Schéma rodiny
Mapa událostí Narození - 13 Prosinec 1883 - České Budějovice, Czech Rep. Sňatek - 26 Červenec 1902 - Praha, Czech Rep. Úmrtí - 27 Květen 1971 - Praha, Czech Rep. Pohřeb - - Praha-Vyšehrad, Czech Rep. = Odkaz na Google Maps = Odkaz na Google Earth
Fotografie ZÁTKOVÁ Bohumila (provd. Kubertová) 1900 ZÁTKOVÁ-KUBERTOVÁ Bohumila (cir. 1920) ŠPIČKA Hilar(iii+ii) + Bohumila ZÁTKOVÁ + Eva + Diana + Julius(ii) KUBERT + Daniel (1962)
Poznámky - «b»Bohumila, «/b»"babuška" «b»Milka, «/b»never remarried after the premature death ofher husband«b» Julius (i) KUBERT«/b».
She devoted her life to her orphaned children. Her father August [I], who shared with her the guardianship of the children, was ever important in her life. Besides caring for her children, her greatest joy was continuous learning, which she never gave up. Her English and her French became so good that she won a contract for translation of Galsworthy's Forsyth Saga. She accomplished this literary success with a minimal commercial reward. Nonetheless, the income earned from her translation work helped her to buy a small house in Libnič which gave her independence and privacy she yearned for. For the sake of sparing others she kept her sorrows, pains and disappointments to herself. Thinking first of others and sparing them of worries appears to be a pattern throughout her life. This included her health problems. Neglect of her own health was a luxury she could hardly afford, as her health had never been robust. Typically, she kept mum about her troubles till advanced, causing in the end considerable worries for her daughter Eva and her husband MUDr Hilar [II] Špička, who literally saved her life on a number of occasions.
At this point the «i»Narrative «/i»ends. Because Bohumila ("bábuška") spent the rest of her life with her daughter's Eva family, she is well remembered by her grandchildren, who all keep fondest memories of her.
(«u»Source«/u»: «i»From Petr PETRIK: "«b»FAMILY CHRONICLE: Family of Diana Špičková«/b»":«/i»)
- «b»Bohumila, «/b»"babuška" «b»Milka, «/b»never remarried after the premature death ofher husband«b» Julius (i) KUBERT«/b».