Jarmila JANDUROVÁ-KACHYŇOVÁ, - stewardess
1933 - 1984 (50 let)-
Jméno Jarmila JANDUROVÁ-KACHYŇOVÁ, - stewardess Přípona - stewardess Narození 27 Květen 1933 Praha, Czech Rep. Pohlaví Žena Adopted Leden 1939 Praha, Czech Rep. Adopted by Ing. B.(ii) Volesky - Dcera MUDr Kamila Jandurz a Jarmily Bayerove. Adoptována druhým manželem Jarmily.
Marriage / Sňatek cca 1964 Praha, Czech Rep. Karel KACHYŇA, movie director / filmový režisér Povolání / Profession cca 1963-1976 Praha, Czech Rep. Airline stewardess, CSA - Czechoslovak Airlines Úmrtí 7 Březen 1984 Praha, Czech Rep. Pohřeb Kolín, Czech Rep. ID číslo osoby I18 family Poslední změna 7 Červenec 2017
Otec Ing. Bohumil (ii) VOLESKÝ, - inženýr, továrník, nar. 12 Březen 1899, Praha, Czech Rep. , zemř. 1 Červen 1974, Praha, Czech Rep. (Věk 75 let) Vztah Adopted by Step-Fath Matka Jarmila (ii) BAYEROVÁ-JANDUROVÁ-VOLESKÁ-KORDOVÁ, nar. 25 Duben 1909, Praha, Czech Rep. , zemř. 17 Leden 2006, Praha-Bohnice, Hospic Strasburk, Bohnická 17/12 (Věk 96 let) Vztah Biological MOTHER Sňatek Leden 1939 Praha, Czech Rep. ID číslo rodiny F1 Schéma rodiny
Otec MUDr Kamil JANDURA, - lékař, nar. 26 Duben 1905, zemř. Ano, datum neznámé Matka Jarmila (ii) BAYEROVÁ-JANDUROVÁ-VOLESKÁ-KORDOVÁ, nar. 25 Duben 1909, Praha, Czech Rep. , zemř. 17 Leden 2006, Praha-Bohnice, Hospic Strasburk, Bohnická 17/12 (Věk 96 let) Sňatek 24 Červen 1932 (Roudnice ?) Rozvod Ano, datum neznámé ID číslo rodiny F2 Schéma rodiny
Rodina Karel KACHYŇA, - movie director / režisér, nar. 1 Květen 1924, Vyškov, Czech Rep. , zemř. 13 Březen 2004, Říčany, Czech. Rep. - hospital (Věk 79 let) Sňatek / Marriage-2 Praha, Czech Rep. Poslední změna 25 Květen 2014 ID číslo rodiny F13 Schéma rodiny
Mapa událostí = Odkaz na Google Maps = Odkaz na Google Earth
Fotografie JANDUROVÁ-Kachyňová Jarmila (Ajka, 1941) JANDUROVÁ-Kachyňová Ajka (1943) Jandurová-KACHYŇOVÁ Jarmila (Ajka, 1974) Jandurová-KACHYŇOVÁ Jarmila (Ajka) (1980) VOLESKY - 3 generations of women - 1981
Ajka JANDUROVÁ, Jarmila VOLESKÁ, Monika VOLESKY (7y)VOLESKYs women and Marta Hyšková (1981)
Ajka, malá Monika, Jarmila, Marta HYŠKOVÁ a Zuzana Hyšková-VOLESKÁJANDUROVÁ-KACHYŇOVÁ Ajka + VOLESKÁ Monika (1981)
Poznámky - Narrated in 2014 by BV(iii):
(Half-) Sister JARMILA (III) - Ajka (*1933-1984)
Ajka was 6 years older than me and always had a life, and friends, of her own. She was a cute, pretty blond, probably a little spoiled too. And quite of an unruleable spirit. School for her was a social affair, never mind exams - while intelligent, she barely squeeked through. Her partying and lose schedule was always a point of friction with parents. A 'free spirit' herself, she was going out with all kinds of 'free' artistic types. However, some of her boyfriends ended up as respected architects (Vejdovský), movie directors (Rychman) and such. When she came of age (18), eventually, she moved out and lived on her own. While always accompanied by prominent men, she married rather late to Karel KACHYŇA, a well-known movie director.
While Karel had a daughter from his previous marriage, they did not have any children together - only a series of revered dogs (dachshunds). Ajka was obviously a late bloomer - she very much came to her senses and eventually successfully completed a very selective and demanding training as an airline stewardess. With the Czech Airlines she flew all over the world at a time when hardly anyone was allowed to travel. They lived a good and busy life with Karel who was with her when she prematurely died of a lung cancer at 50 years of her age (1984). She was a heavy smoker -
- Narrated in 2014 by BV(iii):