Ing. Bohumil (ii) VOLESKÝ, - inženýr, továrník
1899 - 1974 (75 let)-
Jméno Ing. Bohumil (ii) VOLESKÝ, - inženýr, továrník Předpona Ing. Přípona - inženýr, továrník Narození 12 Březen 1899 Praha, Czech Rep. Pohlaví Muž Marriage / Sňatek 1939 Praha, Czech Rep. Jarmila BAYEROVÁ-Voleská Syn / Son 29 Říjen 1939 Praha, Czech Rep. BOHUMIL (III) Voleský Daughter / Dcera 23 Září 1942 Praha, Czech Rep. Marie Voleská-BODENLOSOVÁ Visit Červen 1973 London, Ontario, Canada Canada - The only 1 visit to son Bohumil (III) overseas in Canada. Foreign travel was practically impossible during the communist years in Czechoslovakia (1948-1989).
Úmrtí 1 Červen 1974 Praha, Czech Rep. Pohřeb Praha-Vinohrady, Czech Rep. - cemetery tumbV.jpg
At the Praha-Vinohrady cemetery.ID číslo osoby I1 family Poslední změna 8 Červenec 2017
Otec Bohumil Felix VOLESKÝ, - komerční rada, továrník, nar. 17 Únor 1868, Praha, Czech Rep. , zemř. 27 Květen 1949, Dušní, Praha, Czech Rep. - nemocnice sv. Ducha (Věk 81 let) Matka Růžena Marie ČTRNÁCTÁ-VOLESKÁ, - Panenský Týnec c.13, nar. 14 Květen 1876, Panenský Týnec, Czech Rep. , zemř. 14 Říjen 1974, Brno, Czech Rep. (Věk 98 let) Sňatek 22 Leden 1896 U Prašné brány 2, Praha, Czech Rep. - kostel sv. Vojtěcha ID číslo rodiny F4 Schéma rodiny
Rodina Jarmila (ii) BAYEROVÁ-JANDUROVÁ-VOLESKÁ-KORDOVÁ, nar. 25 Duben 1909, Praha, Czech Rep. , zemř. 17 Leden 2006, Praha-Bohnice, Hospic Strasburk, Bohnická 17/12 (Věk 96 let) Sňatek Leden 1939 Praha, Czech Rep. Děti 1. Jarmila JANDUROVÁ-KACHYŇOVÁ, - stewardess, nar. 27 Květen 1933, Praha, Czech Rep. , zemř. 7 Březen 1984, Praha, Czech Rep. (Věk 50 let) 2. Dr. ing. Bohumil (iii) VOLESKÝ, - universitní Profesor, nar. 29 Říjen 1939, Praha, Czech Rep. (Věk 84 let) 3. Marie VOLESKÁ-BODENLOSOVÁ, - Child Nurse, nar. 23 Září 1942, Praha, Czech Rep. , zemř. 9 Srpen 2016, Praha, Czech Rep. (Věk 73 let) Poslední změna 16 Červen 2016 ID číslo rodiny F1 Schéma rodiny
Mapa událostí = Odkaz na Google Maps = Odkaz na Google Earth
Fotografie VOLESKÝ Bohumil (ii), Ing. (1943) VOLESKÝ Bohumil (ii), Ing + family (1941)
VOLESKÝ family 1941 (L-to-R): (Jandurová Ajka)+(Voleský B(ii) ing)+(VoleskýB(iii))+(Bayerová-Voleská Jarmila). Family portrait, still without Marie.VOLESKÝ Bohumil (ii), Ing. (1923) VOLESKÝ Bohumil (ii), Ing. (1921)
As painted by a good life-long friend academic painter J.A. Král.VOLESKÝ Bohumil (ii), Ing. (1973)
Návštěvou v Kanadě u syna Bohumila (iii).
The first and last visit in Kanada (London, Ontario).VOLESKÝ Bohumil (ii), Ing. (1963)
Dovolená u sestry Dolanské v Rájci u Blanska (Morava).
Summer at his favorite sister's country estate in Rájec nad Svitavou (Moravia).Boja (ii), Vera, Líba VOLESKÝ (1910)
Boja, Věra, LibušeVOLESKÝ Bohumil (ii) (1901) VOLESKÝ Bohumil (ii) (1901) Voleský B(ii) - Lived here (until 1945)- 2011a
Objekt továrny: Ocelářská 9, Praha-LibeňVoleský B(ii) - Lived here (until 1945)- 2011b
Objekt továrny: Ocelářská 9, Praha=LibeňPraha - MAPA, vnitřní město
Dokumenty DOPIS-Letterhead - VoleskyLtd_Research1943
Poznámky - (Medical):Bohumil (II-ing) - he was sporty but always had a problem with his lower leg that he injured as a young man (late 20s). This injury from a dam at Zatka's factory-mill near České Budějovice never healed and resulted in forever open skin wound around his ankle ("bércový vřed"). This affliction progressed in his advanced age, eventually even weakening his shin bone which buckled quite a bit causing a slight limp (his late 60s and 70s).
In his middle age, he developed a duodenum ulcer that was operated on in early 1950s (Dr Polák, Praha-Vinohrady hospital). That way he lost half of his stomach and was left with a pronounced 20-cm long surgical scar on his upper abdomen.
Later in life, he developed the Parkinson's disease (his 70s of age).
After visiting with his son's family in Canada (Bohumil & Zuzana, London, Ontario) in 1973, he sort of gave up on life and his health generally deteriorated. He was hospitalized in early 1974 and he died in the hospital. There was no definitive cure for the advancing Parkinson's.
- (Medical):Bohumil (II-ing) - he was sporty but always had a problem with his lower leg that he injured as a young man (late 20s). This injury from a dam at Zatka's factory-mill near České Budějovice never healed and resulted in forever open skin wound around his ankle ("bércový vřed"). This affliction progressed in his advanced age, eventually even weakening his shin bone which buckled quite a bit causing a slight limp (his late 60s and 70s).